Even as pop culture and social media have been transforming the way we interact, there truly is no substitute for good old fashioned etiquette and decorum. What better legacy can we leave with our children than good manners and social graces? It truly is a gift that keeps on giving. No matter how high our aspirations take us and no matter how advanced our technology, there is still a human connection we have to nurture if we want to live harmoniously in society.
Joining me to explore this topic, "Why Manners Matter" Fannie Allen, Certified Etiquette and International Protocol Consultant, and Founder of The Allen Protocol & Leadership Institute and Hennrietta Smith, President of Vital Business Solutions, Inc. In the first half, we’ll talk about why manners matter and how beneficial it is to start young, including a few tips about how parents might approach teaching manners and in the second half, we will talk about the long-term implications after children have matured in young adults and beyond in the workforce.