Tuesday Dec 27, 2022
The Parenting 411 Episode 69: How to Survive & Savor the Toddler Years, Part II
I am back with my guest, Chris Lake to further demistify toddler behavior and set you on the course to helping your toddlers meet their milestones. As Chris speaks, you can hear his passion and the depth of his commitment to guiding parents to make the most of those early years when toddler brains are ripe to voraciously soak up stimuli from their environment (and YOU) while making critical neural connections. Here in Part II, he's will finish up with the 5 key purposes of behavior as defined by the acronym, M.E.A.T.S -- medical, escape, attention seeking, tangible access, and sensory seeking. Check out his new book, Help Your Toddler Meet Their Milestones at www.101behaviorhacks.com.
Learn more about Chris Lake's ongoing work with and for children at www.communityforacause.org.
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